Claragh Mulhern
Claragh Mulhern is the Acting Principal Adviser in the Planning Division at the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, where she has worked since 2019. Previously Claragh worked in the local government sector in the U.K. for 15 years, including 11 years working for Westminster City Council in Central London on a range of planning projects. In her current role, Claragh has responsibility for the preparation of national planning policy including the National Planning Framework and the development of related planning policy measures, oversight of the implementation of national policy through the regional strategies and local authority development plans through liaison with the Office of the Planning Regulator, the development of land activation and active land management measures and the provision of professional planning advice in support of Government policy including in relation to housing and renewable energy development. Claragh graduated with a Masters Degree in Regional and Urban Planning from University College Dublin in 2003 and is a Member of the Irish Planning Institute.